The circular economy as a solution to the world’s current situation


This is a strategic alternative that aims to reduce waste and to bring new material to the market. In other words, it seeks an ecological solution to two global problems: Environmental Pollution and the Economic Crisis.

The circular economy in the world seeks the implementation of a new economic and social adaptation system that makes the best use of the planet’s resources and promotes care for the environment.

Benefits of the Circular Economy

Some of the benefits that circular economy brings to the world are the following:

  • It reduces costs and, as a consequence, it saves money for many companies and countries through the reuse of raw materials by applying measures such as eco-design.
  • It reduces the amount of energy used in the production of materials, leting these materials be renewable in order to avoid waste: they can be reused in the production of new products.
  • It safeguards natural raw materials, optimising the use of the planet’s resources and thus balancing the flow of resources, making the most of each element used in the production of a product without generating waste.
  • Generation of new jobs: in countries where recycling and reuse of products is not very common, the circular economy would be favouring the creation of new jobs and vacancies that did not exist before, thus generating profits and opportunities for the country in question.

Circular Economy – UN

According to environmental experts from the United Nations, the circular economy is helping to reduce up to 99% of waste from specific sectors of industry, as well as the greenhouse gases they produce. Thus, it would also be helping to combat climate change.

Humans are the only beings on the planet that generate waste. In fact, millions of tonnes of rubbish are now generated globally every day, which is rapidly leading us to potential environmental collapse.

This is why in recent years we have been talking more and more frequently about the need to learn to value and efficiently exploit the resources we have, which are also finite. Hence the need to adapt to a sustainable economic model such as the one proposed by the «Circular Economy«.

The topic of the circular economy is not a new concept, as we are all familiar with terms such as recycle, reuse and repair. What the circular economy proposes is to bring this model to the macro industry so that it can be applied by everyone, as it is not only beneficial for the environment, but also for the global economy.

Effective Use of Resources

The circular economy in the world is one of the major strategic initiatives that are a part of a plan that seeks to integrate the society we know into a new model of growth that is sustainable and inclusive.

It is aimed at bringing about a change in the economy, making an efficient use of the necessary resources, as well as reducing carbon emissions as a way of combating climate change and the environmental impact it brings.

It seeks to implement cycles of replenishment and reuse of raw materials, services, water and energy in the economy, giving a higher value to products and resources so that they keep fluctuating much longer in the economy and thus reduce waste generation as much as possible.

If we do not implement and maintain the current economic model, according to the UN, by 2050 both the industry and the planet will not generate the amount of material needed to supply the population, and the level of waste generated annually will have tripled, leading to the collapse of the economy and the environment.