Recycling in Asia
For twenty years now, we’ve been working closely with a type-106 licensed recycling plant (waste and chemical recycling) in Thailand, dealing with customers from Southeast Asia and all over the world.

The quality of these recycled products is the key to keeping customers satisfied, which is why we focus in particular on the quality control process, by using cutting-edge analytical tools to obtain accurate and reliable results.
From the moment we receive the used chemical waste, right up to obtaining the recycled product, we provide a thorough quality monitoring process to ensure that customers receive the very best service, always complying with the agreed standards.
Recycling of used chemicals.
Elimination of chemicals.
Management of laboratory waste.
Sale of recycled chemicals.

ISO 9001
Quality management certificate.

ISO 14001
Environmental management certificate.

Department of Industrial Works
First prize for Quality in Industrial Waste Management

Ministry of Industry
CSR-DIW Award. Standard of Social Engagement and Responsibility.

Ministry of Industry
We have received the Award for Green Industry every year since 2012.

Innovation Coupon
Funding to develop the capabilities of Thai SMEs through our innovation in the silicone oil recycling process.